Category: Completed Project / Temporary Installation
Location: Dubai Mall, Design Days Dubai
Medium: Polycarbonate, Steel
Dimensions: 40’ x 20’ x 10 ‘
Edition: Unique Edition
Client: Design Days Dubai / Bloomingdales
Year Completed: 2012
Art in Public Places: Yes
Public Art Program: Direct Commission
Description: Design Days Dubai together with Bloomingdales has commissioned Antonio Pio Saracino to create an exclusive installation entitled City Within. Composed of multiple hanging, lightweight, translucent, polycarbonate sheets that create the shape of a box and contrast the idea of an ephemeral city with the physical city, the “City Within” installation is a metaphor for the contemporary digital city that exists outside tangible space. The empty space inside the installation was created by carving out the shape of a multi-dimensional city landscape, offering a unique visual experience for visitors passing by and inviting those who wish to engage with the installation to sit on cubes placed inside the piece.